SC 2017

5th Scientific Committee meeting

Shanghai, China
Fuxuan Hotel
23 September to 28 September 2017
Dr Jim Ianelli


The fifth Scientific Committee meeting was held in Shanghai, China, from 23 to 28 September 2017. The meeting was preceded by a 2-day workshop (20-21 September) covering selected Squid & Deepwater topics.

The following reports from workshops held in advance of the SC annual meeting are now available:

  • Annex 4 - Deepwater working group report from Hobart, 25 May 2017
  • Annex 5 - 2nd Deepwater working group report from Shanghai, 21 September 2017
  • Annex 6 - Squid working group report from Shanghai, 20 September 2017
  • Annex 9 - Tables and figures for the 2017 Jack mackerel assessment

A group photo of the attendees is available.

Some useful links and documents:

The following papers were discussed and available during the meeting: 


SC5-Doc01 Provisional agenda
SC5-Doc02_rev3 Proposed meeting schedule
SC5-Doc03_rev1 Document list
SC5-Doc04 Table of agenda items and related papers
SC5-Doc05 July 2017 web meeting summary
SC5-Doc06 Summary versions for the SPRFMO Species profiles
SC5-Doc07_rev3 Revised Guidelines for Annual reports to the SPRFMO Scientific Committee
SC5-Doc08_rev1 Deepwater Workshop report (Hobart)
SC5-Doc09 Final report for the Fisheries dependent acoustic data task group
SC5-Doc10 Report of the November 2016 Lima workshop on Fishing Vessels as Scientific Platforms
(Annex 3 presentation 1, Annex 3 Presentation 2 )
SC5-Doc11 Proposal for a SPRFMO Task group on ecosystem and habitat monitoring
SC5-Doc12 OPWG Draft CMM for an Observer programme
SC5-Doc13 EU Annual report
SC5-Doc14 EU observer implementation report
SC5-Doc15 Russian Federation Annual report
SC5-Doc16 China Annual report part I: Jack mackerel
SC5-Doc17 China Annual report part II: Squid jigging
SC5-Doc18 Peru Annual report part I: SPRFMO Area
SC5-Doc19 Peru Annual report part II: National Jurisdictional Waters
SC5-Doc20 United States of America Annual report
SC5-Doc21 Chile Annual report Part I: Jack mackerel
SC5-Doc22 Chile Annual report Part II: Squid jigging
SC5-Doc23_rev1 Chinese Taipei's Annual report
SC5-Doc24_rev2 Australian Annual report
SC5-Doc25_rev1 Korean Annual report
SC5-Doc26_rev1 New Zealand Annual report
SC5-Doc27 Status of the fund for Scientific support
SC5-Doc28 Conservation concern for Antipodean wandering albatross
SC5-Doc29 Seabird interactions with squid jig fisheries
SC5-Doc30 Assessment of the risk of southern hemisphere fisheries to ACAP species
SC5-Doc31 Summary of current SPRFMO by-catch records
SC5-Doc32_rev1 the Secretariat's SC-related activities
SC5-Doc33 Vanuatu Annual report
SC5-Doc34 The Cook Islands Annual report
SC5-Doc35 Ecuador Annual report


SC5-JM01 T. murphyi catch history and predicted 2017 catches (Annex 1_rev1)
SC5-JM02 Chilean Jack mackerel age validation
SC5-JM03 Evidence of all life history stages for Jack mackerel in the northern Humboldt Current System


SC5-DW01_rev1 Proposal for an exploratory potting fishery (Cook Islands)

SC5-DW02 Update for New Zealand's exploratory fishery for toothfish within the SPRFMO Area

SC5-DW03 Proposals for a revised CMM for bottom fisheries within the SPRFMO Area

SC5-DW04 Draft stock assessment framework for bottom fisheries within the SPRFMO Area

SC5-DW05 New Zealand Stakeholder workshops on potential changes to the current bottom fishing CMM

SC5-DW06 Methods development for spatially-explicit bottom fishing impact evaluation within SPRFMO: 1. Fishery footprint estimation

SC5-DW07 Review of the current SPRFMO Bottom fishery Impact Assessment Standard (BFAIS)

SC5-DW08 The utility of move-on rules in CMMS to prevent SAIs of bottom fisheries on VMEs

SC5-DW09_rev1 Ecosystem approach considerations: Deepwater chondrichthyans in the Western SPRFMO Area

SC5-DW10 Preliminary ERA for the effects of bottom fishing on deepwater chondrichthyans

SC5-DW11 Low information stock assessment of Orange roughy in the SPRFMO Area

SC5-DW12 A simple delay-difference model for assessment of data-poor Orange roughy stocks

SC5-DW13_rev1 A data limited approach for assessing small scale fisheries for Orange roughy

SC5-DW14 Catch history based stock assessments of seven SPRFMO Orange roughy stocks

SC5-DW15_rev2 Potential scientific advice for Orange roughy stocks within the Western SPRFMO Area


SC5-SQ01 Squid information held by the Secretariat

SC5-SQ02 Stock assessment for Jumbo flying squid in the Southeast Pacific

SC5-SQ03 Spatial difference in elemental signatures within Jumbo flying squid statoliths

SC5-SQ04 Morphological variation and stock classification of Jumbo flying squid based on statolith shape

SC5-SQ05 Sexual niche partitioning of Jumbo flying squid in the Southeast Pacific

SC5-SQ06 Impacts of climate variability on habitat suitability of Jumbo flying squid in the Southeast Pacific

SC5-SQ07_rev1 Distribution, size composition, stock structure and assessment for Jumbo flying squid

SC5-SQ08 Proposals on research programme and data sharing for Jumbo flying squid in the Southeast Pacific

SC5-SQ09 Observer report on Jumbo flying squid fishery from the SPRFMO Area


SC5-INF01_rev1 Southern Hemisphere porbeagle assessment report

SC5-INF02 Web meeting software

SC5-INF03 A CPUE based stock assessment of the Louisville Central Orange roughy stock

SC5-INF04_rev1 Age of Trachurus murphyi using daily growth rings in sagittae otoliths

SC5-INF05 Population biology and vulnerability to fishing of deep-water Eteline snappers

SC5-INF06 Limited genetic structure among broad-scale regions for two deep-water snappers

SC5-INF07 Species distribution models of tropical Deep-sea snappers

SC5-INF08 Evaluating the performance of otolith morphometrics in deriving age and mortaility in data-poor tropical fisheries

SC5-INF09 Review of the life history characteristics ecology and fisheries for deep-water tropical demersal fish

SC5-INF10 Ageing bias and precision for deep-water snappers

SC5-INF11 Oceanic latitudinal and sex-specific variation in demography of a tropical Deepwater snapper