At its Annual Meeting in January 2017, the SPRFMO Commission considered the first SPRFMO performance review as required by Article 30 of the Convention. The Secretariat prepared a background paper and makes available the following information
1. Some relevant publications:
- Ceo, M.; Fagnani, S.; Swan, J.; Tamada, K.; and Watanabe, H. 2012. Performance Reviews by Regional Fishery Bodies: Introduction, summaries, synthesis and best practices, Volume I: CCAMLR, CCSBT, ICCAT, IOTC, NAFO, NASCO, NEAFC. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular. No.1072. FAO, Rome, Italy. This publications provides executive summaries of seven performance reviews and concludes with a synopsis of relevant recommendations given in the performance reviews of these seven RFBs.
- FAO, 2015. The implementation of performance review reports by regional fishery bodies, 2004 2014, by Peter D. Szigeti and Gail L. Lugten. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular No. 1108. Rome, Italy. This Circular summarises the performance reviews of 19 RFBs as well as the actions taken by the RFBs in response to their reviews; it also offers an overview of the evolution of independent performance reviews and best practices.
- Lodge, M.W., D. Anderson, T. Lobach, G Munro, K. Sainsbury and A. Willock. 2007. Recommended Best Practices for Regional Fisheries Management Organizations. Report of an independent panel to develop a model for improved governance by Regional Fisheries Management Organisation. Published by the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, UK. This report proposed a model for improved governance by RFMOs elaborated by an independent panel of experts and with participation of FAO, RFMO, stakeholders and the public. The model RFMO was intended to provide direction for performance reviews and to outline how RFMOs could make improvements based on best practices. The authors distinguish between a review of mandates , relevant in particular for older RFMOs, and a review of performance which evaluates how well an RFMO meets its objectives.
2. Performance reviews of RFBs up to 2016:
- CCAMLR (2008)
- CCSBT (2008 Part 1, Part 2, and 2016)
- GFCM (2011)
- IATTC (2016)
- IOTC (2009, 2016)
- ICCAT (2009)
- NAFO (2011)
- NASCO (2005, 2012)
- NEAFC (2006, 2014)
- SEAFO (2010, 2016)
- WCPFC (2012).
The bilateral (Canada and USA) IPHC (2014) and PSC (2012, report no longer publicly available) only reviewed financial and administrative practices.