With a view to fostering cooperation and collaboration with other organisations, pursuant to Article 31 of the SPRFMO Convention, the Commission has instructed the Secretariat to enter into the following partnerships:
The Pan-Pacific Fisheries Compliance Network (PPFCN) is a recently formed informal group of RFMO Compliance Officers. The goal of this informal group is to work together towards establishing closer links and better enable networking with other colleagues primarily in the Pacific region who are facing similar compliance challenges in the fight against IUU fishing. The Operational Framework for the PPFCN is available and is in effect for 2021.
Background: In September 2020, The Pew Charitable Trusts (Pew) and International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) sponsored an informal compliance workshop involving many RFMO compliance officers and MCS experts to facilitate meaningful discussions on compliance assessment processes. One of the outputs of this workshop was a desire expressed by several participants to use the existing framework of the Tuna Compliance Network (TNC) to expand this type of informal network into a broader forum involving additional RFMOs in the Pacific region given the intersection between the individual interests of each RFMO and their overlapping convention areas and jurisdictions. As a result, an initial discussion was scheduled to gauge the interests of the Compliance Officers and staff responsible for compliance from WCPFC, IATTC, SPRFMO, CCSBT, NPFC, CCAMLR and NPAFC in forming an informal network similar to the TCN and facilitated by the IMCS (International Monitoring, Control, and Surveillance) Network. Several productive informal virtual discussions were held in October and November 2020 during which the participants used the TCN model to develop a draft PPFCN Operational Framework. It is envisaged this Operational Framework would be used to help guide the PPFCN core working group with their informal discussions relevant to sharing MCS knowledge and experiences. To the extent possible, all potential future meetings or workshops of the PPFCN will be held virtually or coordinated in conjunction with, or in the margins of, other international meetings or workshops involving PPFCN core group members to minimize any costs to RFMO Secretariats.
Project on Sustainable Fisheries Management and Biodiversity Conservation of Deep-sea Living Marine Resources and Ecosystems in the Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction (ABNJ Deep Seas Project). http://www.fao.org/in-action/commonoceans/partners/en/