4th Commission Meeting
The fourth Commission Meeting of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation was held in Valdivia, Chile, from 25 to 29 January 2016. The meetings of the 3rd Compliance & Technical Committee and the 3rd Finance & Administration Committee were held in conjunction with the 4th Commission meeting. The venue was the Dreams Hotel.
The FINAL REPORT is now available.
Annex A - Welcome by Raul Sunico (Chile)
Annex B - Chairpersons opening speech (Gordon Neil)
Annex C - Statement by the DeepSea Conservation Coalition
Annex D - Scientific Committee Workplan for 2016
Annex E - Report of the 3rd Finance and Administration Committee (FAC) meeting
Annex F - SPRFMO Staff Regulations
Annex G - Budget for the 2016-17 Financial Year
Annex H - Report of the 3rd Compliance and Technical (CTC) Committee
Annex I - Final Compliance Report (2016)
Annex J - Final IUU List (2016)
Annex K - Amendment to Decision 1.02 (Rules for CNCPs)
Annex L - Report of the VMS Working Group
Annex M - Amended Terms of Reference for the VMS Working Group
Annex N - CMM 4.01 for Trachurus murphyi
Annex O - Amendment to CMM 1.04 (Establishing an IUU List)
Annex P - Amendment to CMM 3.02 (Data Standards)
Annex Q - CMM for New and Exploratory Fishing
Annex R - Amendment to CMM 2.05 (Record of Vessels)
Annex S - CMM for Exploratory Fishing for Toothfish
Annex T - Amendment to CMM 2.04 (Minimising Bycatch of Seabirds)
Annex U - Amendment to CMM 3.03 (Compliance Monitoring Scheme)
Annex V - Amendment to CMM 2.03 (Bottom Fishing)
Annex W - CMM on Vessels without Nationality
Annex X - Terms of Reference for the Observer Programme Working Group
Annex Y - List of Attendees
Please note that proposals to amend the SPRFMO CMMs are included under the meeting page of the Compliance and Technical Committee.
COMM-04-01 Provisional
COMM-04-01_supp Annotated Agenda
COMM-04-02 4th Commission Meeting Document List
COMM-04-03 Status of the Convention (Depositary)
COMM-04-04 Draft Annual Report of the Commission
COMM-04-05 Report of the 3rd Scientific Committee meeting
COMM-04-06 Report of the 3rd Finance & Administration Committee meeting
COMM-04-07 Report of the 3rd Compliance & Technical Committee meeting
COMM-04-08 Access to evidence leading to IUU listing
COMM-04-09 Memorandum of Understanding with CCAMLR
COMM-04-10 NZ Proposed Amendment to CMM 1.04
COMM-04-INF-01 Data submitted to the Secretariat
COMM-04-INF-02 Tentative Meeting Program and Timetable
COMM-04-INF-03 The Secretariat's administrative report
COMM-04-INF-04 Observer Programmes of RFMOs
COMM-04-INF-05 List of Authorised and Active vessels
COMM-04-INF-06 DeepSea Conservation Coalition Briefing for the 4th Meeting of the SPRFMO Commission
COMM-04-INF-07 Southern Hemisphere Porbeagle Stock Assessment update
COMM-04-WP-01 Proposed Ammendment to CMM 3.01 (Korea)
COMM-04-WP-02 SC report presentation
COMM-04-WP-03_rev4 Proposal for a CMM for Exploratory Fisheries (Australia)
COMM04-WP-04_rev1 Proposed Amendment to CMM2.07 Port inspection (Chile)
COMM-04-WP-05_rev1 DRAFT Terms of Reference for the SPRFMO OPWG
COMM-04-WP-06_rev1 NZ Proposed Amendment to CMM 1.04
COMM04-WP-07 Recommended ammendments to the Implementation Report Template
COMM-04-WP-08 Preliminary List of Attendees
COMM-04-WP-09_rev4 Draft CMM for Exploratory Fishing For Toothfish
COMM04-WP-10 Proposed amendment for CMM 2.05 (Record of Vessels)
COMM04-WP-11_rev2 DRAFT CMM on stateless vessels (previously COMM04-WP-11_rev1)
COMM04-WP-12 VMS Recommendations, Tender and ToR
COMM04-WP-13 Proposed Ammendments for JM CMM
COMM04-WP-14 VMS Tenderer Evaluation Criteria (EU)
COMM04-WP-15 Proposed amendment to CMM 2.03 (BF)
COMM04-WP-16 Proposed amendments to CMM 2.04
COMM04-WP-17 Proposal for observation at landing_rev1
COMM04-WP-18 SC Workplan
COMM04-WP-19 Chairperson proposal to ament Decision 1.02