5th Commission Meeting
The 5th meeting of the SPRFMO Commission (COMM5) was held in Adelaide, Australia, from 18 to 22 January 2017. The 4th meeting of the Compliance and Technical Committee took place immediately prior to the Commission Meeting. The 4th meeting of the Finance and Administration Committee was held in conjunction with the 5th Commission meeting.
MEETING REPORT (Without Annexes)
List of annexes to the report:
- Annex 1 Agenda
- Annex 2 List of Participants
- Annex 3 SC Workplan (2017)
- Annex 4 Adopted budget and contributions for 2017-18
- Annex 5 Final Compliance Report
- Annex 6 SPRFMO Final IUU List 2017
- Annex 7 Guidance to Panama regarding future CNCP status
- Annex 8 Amendments to CMMs (compilation 8a to 8j)
- Annex 9 VMS (compilation 9a and 9b)
- Annex 10 Annual Report of the Commission
- Annex 11 Statements (compilation11a to 11g)
COMM5-Doc01 Provisional Agenda
COMM5-Doc01supp Annotated Provisional Agenda
COMM5-Doc02 List of Documents
COMM5-Doc03 Regular Review (relevant publications and RFMO performance reviews here)
COMM5-Doc04 Draft Annual Report of the Commission
COMM5-Doc05 Options for Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) with other RFMOs
COMM5-Doc06 Workplan for the SC (to be developed during the meeting)
COMM5-Doc07 IUU List (to be developed during the meeting)
COMM5-Doc08 Final Compliance Report (to be developed during the meeting)
COMM5-Doc09 Status of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fishery Resources in the South Pacific Ocean (New Zealand)
COMM5-Prop01 Interim Allocation of Jack Mackerel Quotas (Vanuatu)
- 004-2016 Response from Peru regarding COMM5-Prop01
- Ecuador letter distributed 20 January 2017
COMM5-Prop02 Proposal to amend Annex 14 of CMM 4.02 Conservation and Management Measure on Standards for the Collection, Reporting, Verification and Exchange of Data (with tracked-changes) (European Union)
COMM5-Prop03 Revisions to CMM 2.06 (with tracked changes) (Australia, Chile and New Zealand)
SC4-Report Report of the 4th Scientific Committee Meeting Presentation
FAC4-Report Report of the 4th Finance and Administration Committee Meeting
CTC4-Report Report of the 4th Compliance and Technical Committee Meeting
COMM5-INF01 Tentative Meeting Program and Timetable
COMM5-INF02 The Secretariat s Administrative Report
COMM5-INF03 Catch data submitted to the Secretariat
COMM5-INF04 SPRFMO List of Authorised and Active vessels
COMM5-INF05 Bottom Fishing CMM Information paper (New Zealand & Australia)