COMM8 Meeting Documents
The documents discussed by the 8th Annual Meeting of the SPRFMO Commission are listed below.
A restricted documents folder for the COMM8 is available in the Members area containing documents with limited access. (Note: only logged-in users can access this area of the website).
Plenary Documents
COMM8-Doc01_rev1 Provisional COMM8 Agenda
COMM8-Doc02_rev1 Provisional Annotated COMM8 Agenda
COMM8-Doc03_rev3 List of Documents (COMM8)
COMM8-Doc04 Meeting Programme and Timetable (COMM & FAC)
COMM8-Doc05 Report on the Status of the Convention
COMM8-Doc06 Regional processes relevant for SPRFMO
COMM8-Doc07 Progress of cooperation with other RFMOs (MoUs)
COMM8-Doc08 Implementation of COMM Performance Review Recommendations
COMM8-Doc08.1 SC Responses to the Performance Reviews (SPRFMO SC7-Report Annex 10)
COMM8-Doc09 Task Group on Jack mackerel Management Strategy Evaluation
SC7 Report
COMM7 Report
FAC6 Report
CTC6 Report
Amendments to existing CMMs
(Provided in clean PDF and tracked word versions)
COMM8-Prop01 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 01 Jack Mackerel (EU)
COMM8-Prop02_rev2 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 01 Jack Mackerel (VU)
COMM8-Prop02.1_rev1 Explanatory Note for Prop02 (VU)
COMM8-Prop03 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 01 Jack Mackerel (EC)
COMM8-Prop03.1 Explanatory Note for Prop03 - Rationale (EC)
COMM8-Prop03.2 2nd Explanatory Note for Prop03 - Express consent (EC)
COMM8-Prop04 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 01 Jack Mackerel (CL)
COMM8-Prop05 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 01 Jack Mackerel (PE)
COMM8-Prop06_rev1 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 02 Data Standards Rev1 (NZ)
COMM8-Prop07 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 03 Bottom Fishing (EU)
COMM8-Prop08 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 03a Deepwater species (NZ_AU)
COMM8-Prop08.1 Explanatory Note for Prop08 (NZ_AU)
COMM8-Prop09 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 04 IUU Vessel List (EU)
COMM8-Prop10 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 05 Record of Vessels (PE)
COMM8-Prop11 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 11 Boarding & Inspection (US)
COMM8-Prop12 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 12 Transhipment (EU)
New CMMs
(Provided in clean word versions)
COMM8-Prop13 Clean New CMM for an Exploratory Toothfish Fishery (CL)
COMM8-Prop13.1 Explanatory Note for Prop13 (CL)
COMM8-Prop14 Clean New CMM on Effort Limitation for Squid (EU)
Other CMMs up for Review
(Provided in clean PDF and tracked word versions)
COMM8-Prop15 Clean Tracked CMM 06 VMS; paras 17, 23, 27 & 30 (Sec)
COMM8-Prop16 Clean Tracked CMM 10 CMS; para 20 (Sec)
COMM8-Prop17 Clean Tracked CMM 12 Transhipment; para 10 (Sec)
COMM8-Prop18 Clean Tracked CMM 13 Exploratory Fisheries; para 25 (Sec)
COMM8-Prop19 Clean Tracked CMM 14b Exploratory Potting CK; para 28 (Sec)
Proposals for MoUs
(Provided in clean PDF and tracked word versions where appropriate)
COMM8-Prop20 Clean Tracked Proposed MoU between SPRFMO and IATTC
COMM8-Prop21 Clean Tracked Proposed MoU between SPRFMO and WCPFC
COMM8-Prop22_rev1 Clean Tracked Proposed MoU between SPRFMO and NPFC
Proposals to be discussed at FAC
(Provided in clean PDF and tracked word versions if appropriate)
COMM8-Prop23 Clean Tracked Staff Regulations of the Commission (Sec)
COMM8-Prop24 Clean Tracked Policy for Secondments and Internships (Sec)
COMM8-Prop25 Clean Tracked Rules of Procedure for the Commission (Sec)
Information Papers
(Provided in PDF versions)
COMM8-Inf01 Catch Data Submitted to the Secretariat
COMM8-Inf02 (Withdrawn)
COMM8-Inf03 Commission’s information needs on the bycatch of seabirds and the design of observer coverage (NZ)
Observer Papers
(Provided in PDF versions)
COMM8-Obs01 HSFG Information paper for SPRFMO Commission Meeting
COMM8-Obs02 CALAMASUR Statement to the SPRFMO Commission
COMM8-Obs03 DSCC Briefing to the SPRFMO Commission
COMM8-Obs04 OCEANA Information to the SPRFMO Commission