Jack mackerel school of fish

12th CTC Meeting

Santiago, Chile
Sheraton Hotel and Convention Center
11 February to 14 February 2025
Ms Rebeca Espinoza

Go back to COMM13 or FAC12 meeting page 

The 12th meeting of the Compliance and Technical Committee (CTC12) will take place from 11 to 14 February 2025, in Santiago, Chile.

Meeting documents will be posted below as they become available.

Reference Title
CTC12-Doc01 Provisional CTC12 Agenda
CTC12-Doc02_rev1 Annotated CTC12 Agenda (rev1-7Feb)
CTC12-Doc03 List of CTC12 meeting documents
CTC12-Doc04 CTC12 Meeting Schedule 
CTC12-Doc05 Implementation Report: SPRFMO Fisheries
CTC12-Doc06 Implementation Report: Commission Record of Vessels
CTC12-Doc07 Implementation Report: Commission VMS 
CTC12-Doc08 Implementation Report: Inspections
CTC12-Doc09 Implementation Report: Observer Programme
CTC12-Doc09.1 RESTRICTED Analysis of the 2024 proposal for the Observer Programme Accreditation Evaluator
CTC12-Doc10 RESTRICTED – Draft Compliance Report 
CTC12-Doc10.1 RESTRICTED - Draft Compliance Report - VMS Issues Summary (01 Oct 2023-30 Sept 2024)
CTC12-Doc11 Follow-up actions related to Compliance
CTC12-Doc12 RESTRICTED – Draft IUU Vessel List (Recirculated) & Current IUU Vessel List
CTC12-Doc13 Applications for CNCP Status for 2025

Proposals that will be discussed at CTC12:






COMM13‑Prop01 Proposal to amend CMM 01 Trachurus murphyi Tracked Clean CHL
COMM13‑Prop02 Proposal to amend CMM 02 Data Standards Tracked Clean ECU
COMM13‑Prop03 Proposal to amend CMM 02 Data Standards Tracked Clean PER
COMM13‑Prop04 Proposal to amend CMM 03 Bottom Fishing Tracked Clean AUS/USA
COMM13‑Prop05 Proposal to amend CMM 03 Bottom Fishing Tracked Clean NZL
COMM13-Prop06 Proposal to amend CMM 03a Deepwater Species Tracked Clean NZL
COMM13-Prop07 Proposal to amend CMM 04 IUU Vessel List Tracked Clean NZL
COMM13-Prop08 Proposal to amend CMM 04 IUU Vessel List Tracked Clean USA
COMM13-Prop09 Proposal to amend CMM 06 VMS Tracked Clean ECU
COMM13-Prop10 Proposal to amend CMM 07 Port Inspections Tracked Clean AUS
COMM13-Prop11 Proposal for a new Exploratory Toothfish Fishery Clean   KOR
SC12-DW02_rev3 Background: Korean Fisheries Operation Plan for Toothfish (as per the conclusion of SC12)   Clean KOR
COMM13-Prop12 Proposal for a new Exploratory Toothfish Fishery Clean   NZL
COMM13-Prop13 Proposal to amend CMM 16 Observer Programme Tracked Clean PER
COMM13-Prop14 Proposal to amend CMM 18 Squid Tracked Clean PER
COMM13‑Prop15 Proposal for a new CMM to Establish a Squid Buffer Area Clean   ECU
COMM13‑Prop15.1 Background paper: Squid Buffer Area Clean   ECU
COMM13‑Prop16 Proposal for a new CMM to Establish a Time-Area Closure for the Squid Fishery Clean   ECU
COMM13‑Prop16.1 Background paper: Time-Area Squid Closure Clean   ECU
COMM13-Prop17 Proposal for a new CMM on Crew Labour Standards Clean   NZL