The 8th Meeting of the Compliance and Technical Committee (CTC8) took place over the 21 January to 1 February 2021 period (3 days).
The CTC8-Report is now available (uploaded on 19 March 2021)
CTC8-Doc01_rev1 Provisional CTC8 Agenda
CTC8-Doc02 Annotated CTC8 Agenda
CTC8-Doc03 List of CTC meeting documents
CTC8-Doc04 Follow-up actions related to Compliance
CTC8-Doc05 RESTRICTED – Draft Compliance Report (revised)
CTC8-Doc06 Trachurus murphyi Implementation Report
CTC8-Doc07_rev1 Commission Record of Vessels Implementation Report
CTC8-Doc08_rev1 Commission VMS Implementation and Operation Report
CTC8-Doc09 Port Inspections Implementation Report
CTC8-Doc10_rev2 SPRFMO Observer Programme Implementation Report
CTC8-Doc11 RESTRICTED – Draft IUU Vessel List (revised) & Current IUU Vessel List
CTC8-Doc12 Applications for CNCP Status
CTC8-Doc13 Squid Data Collection Templates as required by CMMs 12 and 18
Amendments to existing CMMs
(Provided in clean PDF and tracked word versions)
COMM9-Prop01 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 01 Jack Mackerel (PE)
COMM9-Prop02 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 03 Bottom Fishing (AU)
COMM9-Prop03 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 03 Bottom Fishing (EU)
COMM9-Prop04 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 03 Bottom Fishing (NZ)
COMM9-Prop05 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 03a Deepwater Species (NZ)
COMM9-Prop06 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 05 Record of Vessels (PE)
COMM9-Prop06.1 Clean Background Information to Prop06 (19 Jan)
COMM9-Prop07 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 06 VMS (CL)
COMM9-Prop08 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 07 Port Inspections (CL)
COMM9-Prop09 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 11 Boarding and Inspection (US)
COMM9-Prop10_rev1 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 12 Transhipment (EC) (19 Jan)
COMM9-Prop11 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 13 Exploratory Fisheries (CL)
COMM9-Prop12 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 14b Exploratory Potting (CK)
COMM9-Prop13 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 16 Observer Programme (PE)
COMM9-Prop13.1 Clean Background Information to Prop13
COMM9-Prop14 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 18 Squid (EC)
COMM9-Prop15 Clean Tracked Proposal to Amend CMM 18 Squid (EU)
New CMMs
(Provided in clean word versions)
COMM9-Prop16 Clean New CMM for an Exploratory Toothfish Fishery by the EU (EU)
COMM9-Prop17 Clean New CMM for Vessels Markings and Identification (US)