A Data and Information Working Group meeting met 05-07 March 2008 in Guayaquil, Equador.
Further meeting information is available on the page for the Fifth Round of Consultations on the establishment of the proposed South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation.
Report of the fifth Data and Information Working Group
Below is the list of meeting documents. If you need access to any of those documents, please contact the Secretariat on [email protected].
DIWG-V Documents
SP-05-DIWG-01 Draft Agenda
SP-05-DIWG-02 Data and Information Working Group Document List
SP-05-DIWG-03 Meeting Timetable
SP-05-DIWG-04 Consolidated Data Standards
SP-05-DIWG-05 DRAFT drop dahn lining data standard transshipment
SP-05-DIWG-06 Chairs Proposal Observer Programm
SP-05-DIWG-07 Proposal by Chile on Transhipment
SP-05-DIWG-08 Chair's Proposal on Observer Programme
SP-05-DIWG-09 Data Specification Standardisation Issues