A Science Working Group meeting was held during 12 - 15 May 2009 in Lima, Peru.
Meetings of the Jack Mackerel and Deepwater sub-groups were held in conjunction with the Science Working Group.
Report of the Science Working Group
(including reports of the Jack Mackerel and Deepwater sub-groups)
SWG-07 Documents
SP-07-SWG-01 Draft Agendas for the Science Working Group and Sub-Groups
SP-07-SWG-02 Science Working Group and sub-Groups Draft Document List (Rev 4)
SP-07-SWG-03 DIWG 7 and SWG 7 Proposed Schedule of Meetings
SWG-07-JM Documents
SP-07-SWG-JM-01 Report of the Jack Mackerel Assessment Methods Workshop
SP-07-SWG-JM-02 Revised jack mackerel species profile
SWG-07-DW Documents
SP-07-SWG-DW-01 NZ bottom fishing impact assessment (Rev)
SP-07-SWG-DW-02 Collated comments on the NZ bottom fishery impact assessment
SP-07-SWG-DW-03 Bottom Fishery Impact Assessment Standard
SP-07-SWG-DW-04 Chilean comments to NZ BFIA
SWG-07-INF Documents
SP-07-SWG-INF-01 NZ implementation of protection measures for VMEs
SP-07-SWG-INF-02 DSCC comments on NZ bottom fishing impact assessment
SP-07-SWG-INF-03 Ecological Risk Assessment for Effects of Fishing
SP-07-SWG-INF-04 Detection criteria for managing trawl impacts to Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in high seas fisheries of the South Pacific Ocean
SP-07-SWG-INF-05 DSCC Comments on SPRFMO Draft Bottom Fishery Impact Assessment Standard
SP-07-SWG-INF-06 Acoustic data proposal for consideration of the Science Working Group (SWG) of SPRFMO
SP-07-SWG-INF-07 Beryx splendens species profile - Chilean revision
SP-07-SWG-INF-08 Epigonus telescopus species profile - Chilean revision
SP-07-SWG-INF-09 Hoplostethus atlanticus species profile - Chilean revision
SP-07-SWG-INF-10 Canales-Aguirre et. al, Micro satellite loci for the jack mackerel