Jack mackerel school of fish

A Jack Mackerel Stock Assessment Methods Workshop was held from 4 - 8 May 2009 at Foresta Hotel and Suites in Lima, Peru.

Workshop Report

Workshop Documents

SP-07-SWG-JM-SA-01 Draft Agenda

SP-07-SWG-JM-SA-02 Draft Workshop Programme

SP-07-SWG-JM-SA-03  Draft Workshop Document List

SP-07-SWG-JM-SA-04  Approach to the implementation of hypotheses

SP-07-SWG-JM-SA-05  Short review of some biological aspects of the Chilean jack mackerel

SP-07-SWG-JM-SA-06  Review of biological reference points

SP-07-SWG-JM-SA-07  Hydro-acoustic assessment jurel IMARPE

SP-07-SWG-JM-SA-08  Abstract Peru proposal about using fishing vessels

Explanatory Note

The following documents may help in discussions at the workshop on appropriate reference points for jack mackerel. They include a general paper from the FAO on the development and use of reference points and examples from Australia and New Zealand of how reference points have been used in the application of harvest strategies. It is not intended that the workshop discuss or propose specific reference points for jack mackerel, but it would be useful to examine the types of indices that could be derived from different assessment approaches and that would be useful for characterising the status of stocks of jack mackerel.

SP-07-SWG-JM-SA-INF-01  Commonwealth fisheries harvest strategy: Policy and Guidelines

SP-07-SWG-JM-SA-INF-02  FAO Fisheries Technical Paper No. 347: Reference points for fisheriesmanagement (complete)

SP-07-SWG-JM-SA-INF-03  Harvest strategy standard for New Zealand fisheries



SP-07-SW-JM-SA-INF-04  Jack mackerel fisheries assessment - Peru

SP-07-SW-JM-SA-INF-05  Acoustic evaluation of jack mackerel by IMARPE (6 MB)

SP-07-SW-JM-SA-INF-06  Biological Reference Points - Chile

SP-07-SW-JM-SA-INF-07  Development of the Chilean stock assessment approach

SP-07-SW-JM-SA-INF-08  Estimates of age, growth, size and age at maturity, and natural mortality - Peru (18 MB)

SP-07-SW-JM-SA-INF-09  ICES simulated data sets