10th SPRFMO SC Meeting (SC10)
The tenth meeting of the SPRFMO Scientific Committee (SC10) is the first SPRFMO meeting to be held in a hybrid mode. The SC Chairperson, Dr Jim Ianelli (USA), led the meeting with the support of the SC Vice-Chairperson, Dr Niels Hintzen (EU).
SC10 was hosted by the Republic of Korea, in Seoul, from 26 to 30 September 2022, at the Intercontinental Seoul Coex hotel. A remote connection was available via Microsoft Teams to those who were unable to attend in person.
Applications for financial support for representatives of Developing States to attend the meeting are now closed. The deadline for submission of funding applications in accordance with the Financial Regulations was 13 July (ref: R05-2022).
Please see the Protocol for submissions to the SPRFMO SC, as well as the Guidelines for Annual Reports to the SPRFMO SC. The deadline to submit Annual Reports and SC-related meeting papers was 27 August 2022.
The SC10-Report Annex 10 Jack Mackerel Technical Advice is now available for download. A group photo is available; to access the photo gallery of the SC10, use this link to Flickr.
Meeting documents discussed by the SC10 were the following:
- Plenary documents
- Jack Mackerel
- Deepwater
- Squid
- Habitat Monitoring
- Observer papers
- Information papers
- Working papers
SC10-Doc01_rev1 SC10 Agenda
SC10-Doc02 Provisional SC10 Annotated Agenda
SC10-Doc03_rev7 SC10 List of Documents
SC10-Doc04_rev1 SC10 Indicative Meeting Schedule
SC10-Doc05 2023 Multi Annual Work Plan
SC10-Doc06_rev1 2022 Intersessional SC web meetings
SC10-Doc07 Secretariat's Science-related activities
SC10-Doc08 Status of the SC (scientific support) Fund
SC10-Doc09 Call for interest to organise forthcoming SC meetings
SC10-Doc10 A summary of current SPRFMO bycatch records (including species of concern)
SC10-Doc11 Proposed Guidelines for SC Working and Task Groups
SC10-Doc12_rev1 Scope and application of the Exploratory Fisheries CMM
SC10-Doc13 Patterns in species composition associated with targeting JM, redbait and/or alfonsino
SC10-Doc14 Russian Federation Annual Report
SC10-Doc15 United States of America Annual Report
SC10-Doc16 Vanuatu Annual Report
SC10-Doc17 New Zealand Annual Report
SC10-Doc18 Panama Annual Report
SC10-Doc19 Korea Annual Report
SC10-Doc20 European Union Annual Report
SC10-Doc21 China Annual Report - Squid
SC10-Doc22 China Observer Implementation Report
SC10-Doc23 Chile Annual Report - Jack Mackerel
SC10-Doc24 Chile Annual Report - Squid
SC10-Doc25 Chinese Taipei Annual Report
SC10-Doc26 Peru Annual Report - SPRFMO Area
SC10-Doc27 Peru Annual Report - ANJ
SC10-Doc28 Australia Annual Report
SC10-Doc29 Electronic Monitoring Systems in Chile (CL)
SC10-Doc30 Importance of the Salas y Gómez and Nazca ridges (CL)
SC10-Doc31 Ecuador Annual Report - Jack Mackerel
SC10-Doc32 Ecuador Annual Report - Squid
SC10-Doc33 Cook Islands Annual Report
SC10-Doc34 Faroe Islands Annual Report
SC10-JM01_rev1 CJM Catch history and predicted 2022 catches (Annex 1_rev1) (SEC)
SC10-JM02 CPUE standardization for the offshore fleet (EU)
SC10-JM03 Comparison of EU self-sampling and observer data (EU)
SC10-JM04 Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association self-sampling report (EU)
SC10-JM05 CPUE abundance index in south-central Chile - Update and proposed correction (CL)
SC10-JM06 Upgrade of CJM considering the effect of age-specific sample size (CL)
SC10-JM07 Modelling the growth of CJM considering the effect of age-specific sample size (CL)
SC10-JM08 Population genetics of Chilean jack mackerel in the South Pacific Ocean (CL)
SC10-JM09 Space-time dynamics of the JM fishery off south central Chile 2012-22 (CL)
SC10-DW01_rev1 Orange roughy stock assessment for Louisville Ridge, West Norfolk Ridge, Lord Howe Rise, and Northwest Challenger Plateau (NZ)
SC10-DW02 Interactions with marine mammals, seabirds, reptiles, and other species of concern (NZ)
SC10-DW03 Development of a process to review all recent and historical benthic bycatch data (NZ)
SC10-DW04 Further analysis of VME indicator taxa catchability and the design of a related research programme (NZ)
SC10-DW05 Further development of VME indicator taxa distribution models (NZ)
SC10-DW06 Development of VME taxa identification guides for benthic bycatch (NZ)
SC10-DW07 Progress report on NZs Exploratory fishery for toothfish (NZ)
SC10-DW08 Exploratory toothfish survey report (EU)
SC10-DW09 Exploratory Toothfish Fishery (CL)
SC10-SQ01_rev2 Update of Squid Datasets held by the Secretariat
SC10-SQ02 Simulation study on observer coverage rate in the squid jigging fishery_update (CN)
SC10-SQ03 CPUE Estimation Based on different Effort Units for the Squid Jigging Fisheries (CN)
SC10-SQ04 Stock assessment of the jumbo flying squid based on a Bayesian state-space production model (CN)
SC10-SQ05 Population genetics of Dosidicus gigas along South Pacific Ocean (CL)
SC10-SQ06 Alternative Observer Programme for Peruvian Artisanal Vessels (PE)
SC10-SQ07 Proposed changes Jumbo flying squid species profile
SC10-SQ08 Proposed changes to jumbo flying squid species profile (PE)
SC10-SQ09_rev1 Results of genetic population studies of jumbo flying squid collected in Peruvian jurisdictional waters (PE)
SC10-SQ10 SPiCT assessment for D gigas in FAO area 87 (CL)
SC10-SQ11 Importance of onboard scientific observers in the Jumbo flying squid fishery (EC)
SC10-SQ12 Population Genetic Analysis of Jumbo Flying Squid (KOR)
SC10-SQ13_rev3 Proposed changes to the jumbo flying squid species profile
SC10-HM01 Abundance of jack mackerel and chub mackerel off Peru 2020-22 (PE)
SC10-HM02 Jack mackerel and Chub mackerel habitat off Peru 2020-22 (PE)
SC10-HM03 List of classified vessels according to their capabilities of collecting acoustic data (PE)
SC10-HM04 Spatial distribution and biomass estimate of CJM off South-central Chile (CL)
SC10-Obs01 Comment on aspects of Scientific Committee workplan (HSFG)
SC10-Obs02 CPPS Proposed joint Workplan under the SPRFMO-CPPS MoU (CPPS)
SC10-Obs03 Regional stock assessment of the squid in the South-Eastern Pacific (CALAMASUR)
SC10-Obs04 The Deep-sea Fisheries under the Ecosystem Approach Project – an update (FAO)
SC10-Inf01 South EPO Swordfish Benchmark Assessment in 2019 (IATTC)