11th SPRFMO SC Meeting (SC11)
The eleventh meeting of the SPRFMO Scientific Committee (SC11) was held in Panama City, Panama, from 11 to 16 September 2023; no preceding workshops were held, but a pre-SC report drafting workshop on 8 and 9 September (Panama time zone) was carried out via Microsoft Teams; this workshop was intended for Working Group Chairs, SC Chairs, and the Secretariat, only. The venue for the meeting was the Hotel Las Américas Golden Tower Panamá.
The Chairperson of the SC, Dr Jim Ianelli (USA), led the meeting.
Information for participants such as venue details and visa requirements was available to participants. *Note: this information is no longer current*
Please see the Protocol for submissions to the SPRFMO SC, as well as the Guidelines for Annual Reports to the SPRFMO SC. The deadline to submit Annual Reports and SC-related meeting papers was 12 August 2023. Papers were made publicly available on the website on 18 August.
The adopted meeting report was made available on this page on 16 October 2023. The jack mackerel technical annex (SC11-Report Annex 07) is available. A group photo is available; to access the photo gallery of the SC11, use this link to Flickr.
All late papers were accepted. Meeting documents discussed by the SC11 are available as follows:
- Plenary documents
- Jack Mackerel
- Deepwater
- Squid
- Habitat Monitoring
- Observer papers
- Information papers
- Working Papers
Reference | Title |
SC11-Doc01_rev1 | Provisional SC11 Agenda |
SC11-Doc02_rev1 | Annotated SC11 Agenda |
SC11-Doc03_rev6 | SC11 List of Documents |
SC11-Doc04_rev1 | SC11 Meeting schedule |
SC11-Doc05 | 2024 Multi Annual Work Plan |
SC11-Doc06_rev1 | 2023 intersessional SC web meetings (SEC) |
SC11-Doc07 | Secretariat's Science related activities (SEC) |
SC11-Doc08 | Status of the SC (scientific support) fund (SEC) |
SC11-Doc09 | Call for interest to organise forthcoming SC meetings (SEC) |
SC11-Doc10 | A summary of current SPRFMO bycatch records (Including species of concern) (SEC) |
SC11-Doc11 | Patterns in species composition associated with targeting jack mackerel, redbait and/or alfonsino (Species Composition Task Team) |
SC11-Doc12 | Data Working Group Update (SEC) |
SC11-Doc13 | Annual report - Faroe Islands |
SC11-Doc14 | Annual report - United States of America |
SC11-Doc15 | Annual report - Russian Federation |
SC11-Doc16 | Annual report - New Zealand |
SC11-Doc17 | Annual report - Curaçao |
SC11-Doc18 | Annual report - Korea |
SC11-Doc19 | Annual report - Panama |
SC11-Doc20 | Annual report - Cuba |
SC11-Doc21 | Annual report - Australia |
SC11-Doc22 | Annual report - Cook Islands |
SC11-Doc23 | Annual report - Chinese Taipei |
SC11-Doc24 | Annual report - European Union |
SC11-Doc25 | Annual report - Chile (Jack Mackerel) |
SC11-Doc26 | Annual report - Chile (Squid) |
SC11-Doc27 | Annual report - Peru (SPRFMO Area) |
SC11-Doc28 | Annual report - Peru (ANJ) |
SC11-Doc29_rev1 | Annual report - China (Squid) |
SC11-Doc30 | Annual report - China (Observer Programme) |
SC11-Doc31 | Annual report - Ecuador (Jack Mackerel) |
SC11-Doc32 | Annual report - Ecuador (Squid) |
SC11-Doc33 | Annual report - Belize |
Reference | Title |
SC11-JM01_rev2 | CJM Catch history and predicted 2023 catches (Annex 1_rev2) (SEC) |
SC11-JM02 | Jack Mackerel Connectivity Research - Application for SPRFMO Funding (Connectivity Task Group) |
SC11-JM03 | PFA selfsampling report for the SPRFMO Science Committee 2023 (EUR) |
SC11-JM04 | Comparison of EU self-sampling and observer data with the objective to supplement observer data for non-observed quarters (EUR) |
SC11-JM05 | Ageing update of CJM and estimation of age error Matrix (CHL) |
SC11-JM06_rev1 | Effort Creep in the JM south central fleet in Chile (CHL) |
SC11-JM07 | A Bayesian spatio-temporal approach for the standardization of CPUE in the Trachurus murphyi fishery of central-southern Chile (CHL) |
SC11-JM08 | Instructions for Sampling JM for population study (PER) |
SC11-JM09 | Reproductive aspects of JM in Peru (PER) |
SC11-JM10 | Update up to June 2022 of the Chilean jack mackerel abundance index based on the catch per fishing set (CHL) |
SC11-JM11 | Update of the Chilean Jack Mackerel CPUE abundance index based on catch by fishing trip in the south-central Chile (CHL) |
SC11-JM12 | CJM abundance index estimated by spatiotemporal SPDE-based GLM and compare with other CPUE indices (CHL) |
SC11-JM13 | Spatio-temporal dynamics of Chilean Jack Mackerel fishery off south-central Chile in 2023 (CHL) |
SC11-JM14 | Population genomics and environmental associations in Trachurus murphyi in the South Pacific Ocean (CHL) |
SC11-JM15 | Hydroacoustic assessment of Chilean Jack Mackerel carried out in the north and south-central area of Chile (2023) |
SC11-JM16 | Conditioning of OMs and exploratory evaluation of candidate management procedures for SPRFMO JM (JMWG-MSE) |
Reference | Title |
SC11-DW01_rev1 | Cumulative Bottom Fishery Impact Assessment for Australian and New Zealand bottom fisheries, 2023 (AUS/NZL) |
SC11-DW02_rev1 | Cook Islands FOP for an exploratory dropline/jigging fishery (COK) |
SC11-DW03_rev3 | Australia proposal for New Exploratory Fishery (AUS) |
SC11-DW04 | European Union proposal for New Exploratory Fishery (EUR) |
SC11-DW05 | Modification of Bottom Trawl Management Area Boundaries to Achieve a 70% Protection Target for VME Indicator Taxa (NZL) |
SC11-DW06 | Evaluating the orange roughy population and wider ecosystem impacts of carrying forward of TACs over multiple years (NZL) |
SC11-DW07_rev1 | Modelling vulnerable marine ecosystem (VME) indicator taxa (NZL) |
SC11-DW08 | Withdrawn |
SC11-DW09 | NZ Update on development of identification guide for benthic bycatch (NZL) |
SC11-DW10 | Development of a process to review all recent and historical benthic VME bycatch data (NZL) |
SC11-DW11_rev1 | Progress report on NZs Exploratory fishery for toothfish (NZL) |
SC11-DW12 | Cook Islands Exploratory Potting Fishery (2019-2023) (COK) |
SC11-DW13 | Cook Islands Updated Fisheries Operation Plan for exploratory potting (with checklist) (COK) |
SC11-DW14 | European Union Exploratory Toothfish Year 2 Cruise Report (EUR) |
Reference | Title |
SC11-SQ01_rev1 | Update of Squid Datasets held by the Secretariat (SEC) |
SC11-SQ02 | Genetic population structure and genetic diversity of Dosidicus gigas along the Pacific Ocean (CHL) |
SC11-SQ03 | Determination of size ranges by phenotypic group of D. gigas in Peruvian waters, based on the size-maturity analysis (PER) |
SC11-SQ04 | Comments on estimates of natural mortality of jumbo squid Dosidicus gigas (PER) |
SC11-SQ05 | Protocol for biometric and biological sampling of the D gigas to be used in SPRFMO (PER) |
SC11-SQ06 | Population genetic analysis of the D gigas along its distribution range based on mtDNA ND2 gene (PER) |
SC11-SQ07 | Update of the Stochastic Production model in Continuous Time (SPiCT) apply to D gigas in the FAO area 87 (CHL) |
SC11-SQ08 | Developing state-space biomass dynamics model with different time steps to assess the jumbo flying squid in Southeast Pacific Ocean (CHN) |
Reference | Title |
SC11-HM01 | Abundance of jack mackerel and chub mackerel in the Peruvian sea between 2020 and 2023 (PER) |
SC11-HM02 | Habitat conditions of jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) and chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) in the Peruvian sea between 2021 and 2023 (PER) |
SC11-HM03 | Identifying seasonal patterns in the 3d habitat suitability related to the dynamics of the artisanal fleet of D gigas in the Peruvian ANJ (PER) |
SC11-HM04_rev1 | Seasonal oceanographic preferent ranges of jack mackerel habitat off the Peruvian coast between 1992 and 2023 (PER) |
SC11-HM05 | Spatial distribution and biomass estimate of Chilean jack mackerel off South central Chile 2023 (CHL) |
Reference | Title |
SC11-Obs01 | HSFG Science Comment regarding procedural anomalies in the proposed changes to CMM 03 Bottom Fishing and a path back to rational evidence-based management |
SC11-Obs02 | HSFG Technical Response BFIA |
SC11-Obs03_rev1 | Regional Assessment of the Jumbo Squid in the South-Eastern Pacific with Peruvian, Chilean and Asian fleets data and Impacts of El Niño Environmental Cycle: 1969 to 2020 |
SC11-Obs04 | Review of the SPRFMO Seabird Bycatch and Data Standards CMMs Against ACAP Advice |
SC11-Obs05 | DSCC Comments to the AUS/NZ Cumulative BFIA |
Reference | Title |
SC11-Inf01 | Climate Change discussions at the SC11 (USA) |
SC11-Inf02 | Alternative Management proposal for bottom fishing (HSFG, originally proposed 2012) |
Reference | Title |
SC11-WP01 | Live discussion document for papers Q&A |
SC11-WP02_rev2 | Propsed Assessment Simulation Task Group for the jumbo flying squid (clean version) |
SC11-WP03 | Scientific Staff Analysis and Proposal |
SC11-WP04 | Winker ICCAT Linking Jabba to Age Structure Model |
SC11-WP05 | Exploratory Checklists (new fisheries, AU, CK, EU) |
SC11-WP06 | Coastal “El Niño” and its impacts on the Peruvian marine ecosystem |
SC11-WP07 | Squid Simulator version 1.1 |
SC11-WP08 | Chile statement regarding development of the MSE for jack mackerel |
SC11-WP09 | China statement regarding pilot project for squid |
SC11-WP10 | Peru and Russian Federation joint statement on MSE development |