The Eighth Scientific Committee (SC8) meeting was hosted by New Zealand but held remotely via Microsoft Teams, from 3 to 8 October 2020 (NZT). The SC Chairperson, Dr Jim Ianelli (USA), led the meeting with the support of the SC Vice-chairperson Mr Niels Hintzen (EU).
The SC8 meeting was preceded by the third Deepwater Workshop (SCW10) from 30 September to 2 October.
The Eighth SC Meeting Report (SC8), the third Deepwater Workshop report (SCW10), and the Jack mackerel Technical Annex (SC8-Report Annex 3) are posted on this section as they become available.
The following papers were discussed and available during the meeting. All late papers were accepted.
SC8-Doc01_rev1 Provisional Meeting Agenda
SC8-Doc02 Provisional Annotated Agenda
SC8-Doc03_rev3 List of Documents
SC8-Doc04_rev3 Indicative Meeting Schedule (updated)
SC8-Doc05 SC Multi-annual workplan
SC8-Doc06_rev1 Web meeting Summaries
SC8-Doc07 Secretariat SC related activities
SC8-Doc08 Status of previous SC recommendations
SC8-Doc09 Status and use of the SC Funds
SC8-Doc10 Future meeting plans
SC8-Doc11_rev2_clean Current SPRFMO bycatch records including species of concern
SC8-Doc12 European Union Annual Report
SC8-Doc13 Australia Annual report
SC8-Doc14 New Zealand Annual Report
SC8-Doc15 United States of America Annual Report
SC8-Doc16 Russian Federation Annual Report
SC8-Doc17 Vanuatu Annual Report
SC8-Doc18 Korea Annual Report
SC8-Doc19 China Annual Report (Jack Mackerel)
SC8-Doc20_rev1 China Annual Report (Squid)
SC8-Doc21 China Observer Implementation Report
SC8-Doc22 Chinese Taipei Annual Report
SC8-Doc23 Peru Annual Report (SPRFMO Area)
SC8-Doc24 Peru Annual Report (ANJ)
SC8-Doc25 Cook Islands Annual Report
SC8-Doc26 Chile Annual report Jack mackerel
SC8-Doc27 Chile Annual report Jumbo Squid
SC8-Doc28 Ecuador Annual report
SC8-Doc29 Ecuador Annual Report Jumbo Squid
SC8-JM01 CJM Catch History and predicted 2020 catches (Annex 1 rev 2)
SC8-JM02 CPUE standardization for the offshore fleet fishing for JM in the SPRFMO area
SC8-JM03 PFA Self sampling report for SPRFMO 2020
SC8-JM04 Comparison of PFA self-sampling with EU observer data
SC8-JM05 Summary of MSE project
SC8-JM06 CPUE Analysis CJM purse seine fishery center-south Chile 1994-2020
SC8-JM07 Catch-at-age structure of CJM for 1990-2018 using a new ageing criterion
SC8-JM08 Space-time variability of Jack mackerel fishery 2020
SC8-JM09 CJM Validation of Daily Growth Microincrements in Otoliths
SC8-DW01_rev1 CK Fisheries Operation Plan for an Exploratory Trap Fishery in the SPRFMO Area
SC8-DW02 CK exploratory lobster trap fishing in the SPRFMO - Trips 1 to 4
SC8-DW03 Estimating biomass of Jasus caveorum on Kopernik Seamount in the South Pacific Ocean from the CK trap fishery
SC8-DW04 Estimating encounter rates with vulnerable marine ecosystem indicator species at Kopernik Seamount in the South Pacific Ocean from the CK lobster trap fishery
SC8-DW05_rev2 EU proposal for exploratory fishing for Patagonian and Antarctic toothfish within the SPRFMO Area, 2021-2023
SC8-DW06_rev3 CL Exploratory potting fishing plan for Jasus spp and Chaceon spp in SPRFMO Area
SC8-DW07_rev1 AU-NZ Cumulative Bottom Fishery Impact Assessment for Australian and New Zealand bottom fisheries in the SPRFMO Convention Area, 2020
SC8-DW08 EU Exploratory Patagonian toothfish demersal longline fishery Survey Report
SC8-DW09 NZ Progress report on NZ’s exploratory fishery for toothfish
SC8-DW10 NZ Stock assessments for NW Challenger & Lord Howe Rise orange roughy
SC8-DW11 NZ VME taxa for SPRFMO Area
SC8-DW12 NZ Process for reviewing VME encounters
SC8-DW13 NZ Review of NZ benthic bycatch for 2019
SC8-DW14 Interactions with marine mammals, seabirds, reptiles, other species of concern
SC8-DW15 Cook Islands checklist for exploratory fisheries proposal
SC8-DW16 EU Checklist for exploratory fisheries proposal
SC8-DW17 Key changes in rev1 of the BFIA
SC8-DW18 Chile Checklist for exploratory fisheries proposal
SC8-SQ01_rev1_clean Update of Squid Datasets held by the Secretariat
SC8-SQ02 Maturity staging for squid
SC8-HM01 Existing environmental data for habitat studies
SC8-HM02 Guidelines on a Protocol for Acoustic Data Collection
SC8-HM03 Jack and Chub Mackerel 2011-2020
SC8-HM04 Monitoring programs in Peru
SC8-HM05 Changes in the habitat of Jack mackerel and Chub mackerel 2018-2020 Peru
SC8-HM06 Habitat monitoring Jack mackerel and chub mackerel 2019-2020 Peru
SC8-HM07 Spatial occurrence of Jack mackerel using Bayesian Hierarchical spatial models
SC8-HM08 Habitat monitoring based on acoustics from fishing vessels