Jack mackerel school of fish

Jack Mackerel Benchmark Workshop (SCW14)

University of Washington (Seattle, USA)
Microsoft Teams

Registration Due:

8 July 2022

The SPRFMO Scientific Committee Jack Mackerel Benchmark Workshop (SCW14) took place between 4 and 8 July 2022 (PDT), in hybrid format, with the in-person venue in Seattle (USA), and the virtual venue Microsoft Teams.

The report of the Jack Mackerel Benchmark Workshop (SCW14) is now available for download.

The following Working Documents were discussed at the workshop:

SCW14-WD01 Offshore CPUE Analysis v2022 Benchmark
SCW14-WD02 Self Sampling Working Document
SCW14-WD03 Far North Stock Parameters
SCW14-WD04 Life History Parameters of Jack Mackerel (FCerna)
SCW14-WD05 Selectivity and Uncertainty in jjm