The third workshop of the Scientific Committee was a meeting of the Deep Water working group and was held from 23 to 25 May 2017, at the CCAMLR Headquarters -181 Macquarie St Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. The Chairperson of the Deep Water working group was Mr Mauricio Galvez, from Chile.
SC 3rd Workshop - Deep Water Working Group
SCW3-Doc01_rev1 Provisional Annotated Agenda
SCW3-Doc02 List of Documents
SCW3 - Tentative schedule
Papers- Stock assessment
SCW3-Doc03 Outline of a SPRFMO demersal fisheries Assessment framework
SCW3-Doc04 Overview of potential reference points for demersal fisheries in the SPRFMO
SCW3-Doc05 Utility of FISHPATH to the SPRFMO demersal fisheries
SCW3-Doc06a Indicators of recovery for Orange roughy in eastern Australian waters
SCW3-Doc06b Improved estimates of Orange roughy biomass using acoustic-optical system in commercial trawlnets
SCW3-Doc07 Developing spatially disaggregated CPUE indices for the SPRFMO Orange roughy stocks
SCW3-Doc08 Identifying deficiencies in alternate CPUE series used for demersal stocks assessments
SCW3-Doc09 Use of a spatially disaggregated CPUE
SCW3-Doc10 Seamount meta-analysis prediction of biomass
SCW3-Doc11 Progress on stock assessments for the SPRFMO Orange roughy stocks using Bayesian biomass dynamic models
SCW3-Doc12 Orange roughy Eastern Zone stock assessment incorporating data up-to 2014
SCW3-Doc13 Stock assessments for New Zealand EEZ Orange roughy stocks
SCW3-Doc14 Application of catch only methods and use of a spatially disaggregated CPUE
Papers - Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems
SCW3-Doc15 Modelling VMEs and VME indicator taxa at a range of scales
SCW3-Doc16 Potential application of the Zonation spatial decision-support tool
SCW3-Doc17 Assessing bottom fishery impact using a CCAMLR-style method
SCW3-Doc18 Trawl fisheries and habitat impacts
Additional Material
SCW3-INF01 (word version) NZ draft summary of matters to consider in the development of a new bottom fishing measure
Best Practice reference Points for Australian Fisheries
2017 SC Workplan
COMM5-INF05 Bottom Fishing CMM Information paper (New Zealand & Australia)
2013 Scientific Committee Research Program
2012 Bottom Fishery Impact Assessment Standard
Australian Bottom Fishery Impact Assessment
New Zealand Bottom Fishery Impact Assessment
2008 FAO guidelines for mgmt. of deep-sea fisheries in the high seas
SPRFMO Convention