Jack mackerel school of fish


The second workshop of the Habitat Monitoring Working Group was held in Havana, Cuba, preceding the SC7 meeting, on October 6th in the Hotel Nacional de Cuba, in La Habana.

A workshop report is now available.

The discussion topics/schedule for the meeting were as follows: 

9:00  Welcome and summary of intersessional HMWG activities

9:15  Presentations on the submitted working papers to the 7SC to characterizing and modelling the CJM habitat:

  • Preferred habitat of Jack mackerel and chub mackerel in Peruvian National waters
  • Habitat Monitoring of Jack mackerel based on acoustics from fishing vessels
  • Spatio-temporal distribution pattern of jack mackerel off South-central Chile

10:15  Review/discussion on the evaluate the applicability of data collected from fishing vessels targeting pelagic species

  • Calibration protocols (ICES, IHMA)
  • Selected case examples of use of fishing vessels with quantitative/habitat purposes (with special reference to Fisheries Research, 178)
  • Review of papers focused in CJM and published in the past 20 years
  • Others (as proposed by HMWG members)

12:00  Review/discussion on further developments of standardized oceanographic data products and modelling

  • Characterize jack mackerel habitat (e.g., past studies done in Peru, Chile, EU)
  • Provide ecosystem status overview for SC at seasonal to decadal-scale
  • Others (as proposed by HMWG members)

13:00  Lunch

14:30  Discussion on the Future Habitat Monitoring Workplan

  • The structure of CJM population(s). 
  • Review and conclude on the state of the art of habitat research in order to recommend specific lines of investigation in this topic within the framework of the SPRFMO.
  • Review and conclude on the current concept of CJM habitat (based on current practice, retrospective analysis and bibliographical review).
  • To define the list of existing environmental data: satellite, acoustic surveys, acoustic fisheries surveys, fishing data, fishing vessel data (VMS, Observers…) in time and space that already exist inside the SPRFMO area.
  • Inventory of technologies aboard every fishing vessel authorized to operate in the SPRFMO area.
  • Others (as proposed by HMWG members)

15:30  Explore possibilities to organize a symposium on the topic of pelagic habitat in the 2020s.

  • Organize a workshop on the state of the art of habitat research in the same place as, and immediately before, the (next ?) SC meeting.
  • Habitat suitability modelling of Jack Mackerel
  • Others (as proposed by HMWG members)

16:30  Drafting of a summary report and PowerPoint for the HMWG session.

18:00  End of the meeting