The second workshop of the Habitat Monitoring Working Group was held in Havana, Cuba, preceding the SC7 meeting, on October 6th in the Hotel Nacional de Cuba, in La Habana.
A workshop report is now available.
The discussion topics/schedule for the meeting were as follows:
9:00 Welcome and summary of intersessional HMWG activities
9:15 Presentations on the submitted working papers to the 7SC to characterizing and modelling the CJM habitat:
- Preferred habitat of Jack mackerel and chub mackerel in Peruvian National waters
- Habitat Monitoring of Jack mackerel based on acoustics from fishing vessels
- Spatio-temporal distribution pattern of jack mackerel off South-central Chile
10:15 Review/discussion on the evaluate the applicability of data collected from fishing vessels targeting pelagic species
- Calibration protocols (ICES, IHMA)
- Selected case examples of use of fishing vessels with quantitative/habitat purposes (with special reference to Fisheries Research, 178)
- Review of papers focused in CJM and published in the past 20 years
- Others (as proposed by HMWG members)
12:00 Review/discussion on further developments of standardized oceanographic data products and modelling
- Characterize jack mackerel habitat (e.g., past studies done in Peru, Chile, EU)
- Provide ecosystem status overview for SC at seasonal to decadal-scale
- Others (as proposed by HMWG members)
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Discussion on the Future Habitat Monitoring Workplan
- The structure of CJM population(s).
- Review and conclude on the state of the art of habitat research in order to recommend specific lines of investigation in this topic within the framework of the SPRFMO.
- Review and conclude on the current concept of CJM habitat (based on current practice, retrospective analysis and bibliographical review).
- To define the list of existing environmental data: satellite, acoustic surveys, acoustic fisheries surveys, fishing data, fishing vessel data (VMS, Observers…) in time and space that already exist inside the SPRFMO area.
- Inventory of technologies aboard every fishing vessel authorized to operate in the SPRFMO area.
- Others (as proposed by HMWG members)
15:30 Explore possibilities to organize a symposium on the topic of pelagic habitat in the 2020s.
- Organize a workshop on the state of the art of habitat research in the same place as, and immediately before, the (next ?) SC meeting.
- Habitat suitability modelling of Jack Mackerel
- Others (as proposed by HMWG members)
16:30 Drafting of a summary report and PowerPoint for the HMWG session.
18:00 End of the meeting