Jack mackerel school of fish

The 8th meeting of the SPRFMO Scientific Committee (SC8) was held virtually between 3 and 8 October 2020, using Microsoft Teams as platform.

The meeting was initially intended to be hosted by New Zealand in Wellington, but due to travel restrictions and closed boundaries in many countries prompted by COVID-19, the meeting went virtual, following the trend of other international organisations.

A series of pre-SC8 web meetings split by thematic areas (Jack mackerel, Deepwater, Squid, Habitat Monitoring) were held. The web meeting reports were made available to the SC8 as a meeting document (SC8-Doc06_rev1). 

The SC8 was preceded by the third SC Deepwater Workshop (SCW10), held 29 September to 2 October 2020.

The SC8-report is available now for download, as well as the SCW10 Deepwater Workshop report.