The completion of the selection process to hire a new Compliance Manager to join the SPRFMO Secretariat was announced in August 2020, and the Secretariat is very excited to have Mr. Randy Jenkins in the office taking up his role effectively.
Considering the travel restrictions in place around the world, prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, the journey all the way from Canada was uncertain, but Randy, along with his wife Michelle, finally made it into New Zealand on 19 October. They went into a Government-managed isolation facility in Auckland and complied with New Zealand’s 2-week isolation period mandatory for people entering the country.
The Secretariat is happy to have Randy in the office and is making efforts to assist him in getting settled and welcome him to the office and his new role.
As previously advised, in joining SPRFMO, Randy brings 28 years of experience performing in a variety of roles in fisheries compliance and enforcement within the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and internationally through participating and leading the Canadian delegation at the NAFO STACTIC meetings, as well as the International Monitoring Control Surveillance Network, International Symposium on Fisheries and Crime, and many other relevant fora.
Members, CNCPs and Observers may now address any compliance-related communications to Randy on his SPRFMO email address: [email protected]. Other details including his phone number are available in the SPRFMO Contacts page