Jack mackerel school of fish

During the second international meeting on the establishment of a South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (RFMO) the Science Working Group (SWG) reported back on its intersessional work and that presentation is available here with associated notes. In summary, the SWG had completed most of its assigned tasks and made substantive progress on the other tasks. Work completed to date has allowed an improved understanding of the current fisheries in the area and provided a sound framework for future scientific tasks.

The SWG only met briefly during the Second International Meeting and discussed work required in future, progressing co-operative research programmes in the region, accelerating progress in improving our understanding of the biology and status of commercially important bycatch species, and liaison with the Data and Information Working Group.

The SWG was asked to complete or advance the tasks listed in its intersessional work programme.The SWG welcomed the announcement of Peru to appoint a scientist to participate in the future work of the SWG.