SC 01 WP 05 SPRFMO SC groupfoto 2013

La Jolla, California, USA
NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center
21 October to 27 October 2013
Dr Jim Ianelli


The First Scientific Committee Meeting was held in La Jolla, California, USA from 21 to 27 October 2013.

The 1st Report of the Scientific Committee (amended 16 Dec 2013) is available here (1.2 MB).
Annex 5 of the 1st Report - Jack mackerel assessment (amended 16 Dec 2013) is available as a separate document here (1.8 MB).
In addition a photo of the attendees is available here (6.6 MB).

The following papers were discussed or available during the meeting. Copies of presentations made during the meeting are at the bottom of the page.

SC-01 Documents

SC-01-01 Agenda

SC-01-02 Proposed Schedule

SC-01-03 China 2013 Annual Report

SC-01-04 (rev2) Chile 2013 Annual Report

SC-01-05 Harvest Control rule for the recovery of the Jack Mackerel stock at the South Eastern Pacific

SC-01-06 Impact of using different weight-at-age in the Jack Mackerel stock assessment

SC-01-07 Korea 2013 Annual Report

SC-01-08 (rev1) Australia 2013 Annual Report

SC-01-09 Identification of vulnerable benthic taxa in the western SPRFMO Convention Area and review of move-on rules for different gear types

SC-01-10 Review of best practice mitigation for endangered, threatened and protected species bycatch

SC-01-11 Review of bycatch data collection and reporting standards

SC-01-12 Peru 2013 Annual Report (1) SPRFMO Area

SC-01-13 Peru 2013 Annual Report (2) Areas under National Jurisdication (2.1 MB)

SC-01-14 European Union 2013 Annual Report

SC-01-15 Proposal to clarify SPRFMO data reporting requirements

SC-01-16 Chinese Taipei 2013 Annual Report

SC-01-17 A framework to Management Strategy Evaluation for the south Pacific Jack Mackerel

SC-01-18 Draft Protocol for Submission of meeting documents

SC-01-19 Proposing an intergrated approach for tackling the uncertainties in the ageing and estimation of growth parameters of Trachurus murphyi in the South Pacific

SC-01-20 Spatial analysis of Austrailan and New Zealand historical bottom trawl fishing effort in the Convention Area of the SPRFMO (1.0 MB)

SC-01-21 New Zealand 2013 Annual Report

SC-01-22 Vanuatu 2013 Annual Report

SC-01-23 Revisions to the Jack Mackerel species profile (1.0 MB)

SC-01-24 Ecuador 2013 Annual Report (1.4 MB)


SC-01-INF Documents

SC-01-INF-01 Web meeting (1) held July 2013

SC-01-INF-02 Github SPRFMO_How to documentation

SC-01-INF-03 Document List

SC-01-INF-04 Actions taken by Chile in the Protection of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems

SC-01-INF-05 International Plan of Action for Reducing Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Longline Fisheries

SC-01-INF-06 Areas meeting ESBA criteria for Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (ESBAs)

SC-01-INF-07 Location of areas meeting ESBA criteria that overlap with the SPRFMO Convention Area

SC-01-INF-08 Seabird Bycatch Mitigation Fact Sheets

SC-01-INF-09 Demersal Longline Mitigation Review and Advice

SC-01-INF-10 Trawl Mitigation Review and Advice

SC-01-INF-11 Data Requirements for Monitoring Seabird Bycatch

SC-01-INF-12 (rev1) Progress report on Development of a Seabird Identification Guide for RFMOs (2.1 MB)

SC-01-INF-13 Drafting an advice sheet for the SPRFMO Scientific Committee

SC-01-INF-14 Acoustic Abundance Indexes for Orange roughy and Alfonsino in the Indian Sea

SC-01-INF-15 Management of Demersal Fisheries Resources of the Southern Indian Ocean

SC-01-INF-16 Chilean Jack Mackerel Fishery Input Data for Stock Assessement - Chile

SC-01-INF-17 Bibliographical synopsis on the main traits of life of Trachurus murphyi (20.1 MB)

SC-01-INF-18 (rev1) Data submitted to the SPRFMO Secretariat (1.4 MB)

SC-01-INF-19 New Publication on the Jack Mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) in Peru

SC-01-INF-20 Proposal for a SPRFMO/SC working group on Monitoring

SC-01-INF-21 The ABNJ Deep-Sea Project (1.4 MB)



Input catch data for CJM Stock Assessment

Indicators for CJM

High Seas Biodiversity mapping

Review of move-on rules

SPRFMO Austraila/ New Zealand bottom trawl effort mapping

Best practice mitigation

ETP data collection

An example of a harvest control rule for recovery

Bibliographical presentation for CJM

FAO Deep-sea Project